Classics 130 - The Trojan War:
history or myth?
Writing Assignments:
#1 – due
Tuesday, March 8th more
Everyone will choose a topic (2
students per 10 topics). Five (5) of
these will also be presentation topics (2 students working
together and presenting 10 minutes maximum).
Research paper on a central character
in the Troy story and how they are portrayed in different sources and
at different times, together with a comparative analysis of literary
and visual evidence for a key part/scene of the story, related to that
#2 – due
Thursday, April 21st more
Everyone will write on the
following topics for the second paper. Five
(5) presentations related to
the larger topics will also be chosen by
those students not presenting on the first topic (2 students
working together and presenting 10 minutes maximum).
A personal analysis of “
the questions” surrounding the Trojan War and theoretical constructs
based on the archaeological evidence
#3 - due
Tuesday, May 10th by 2pm more details
A critical review of relevant
contemporary material derived from or based on the Trojan War.
These are the general paper topics to be completed over the course of
the semester. For each individual topic – more specific and detailed
information will be posted online – including approved subjects for
paper #1 and presentations.
You should emphasize: 1. The subject matter that you are discussing, 2.
Its relevance to our study of the Trojan War (literary, artistic,
archaeological), 3. *Your opinions and feelings on the topic, AND 4.
**WHY you have come to these opinions and/or conclusions
Keep in mind the following guidelines:
1. Your paper should be 6-8 pages, typed, double-spaced with no more
than 1” margins all-around.
2. You will need to use several sources (in addition to textbooks and
Bcourses reading materials) for your research, ancient and modern. These
must be
clearly cited in the text using the Harvard system (Shelton 2000:
27-30) and in full bibliographic entries at the end of the paper.
(Please let me know if you need help locating sources).
3. Proofread carefully. With today's computer spell and grammar checks,
there is no excuse for sloppy errors.
4. Illustrations are welcomed, but do not count towards the page total.
5. Be sure to hand in your paper on time (by class on specified days).
Late papers will be seriously penalized. No submissions by e-mail will
be accepted.
6. Be very conscious of structure: provide a clear introduction and
conclusion, and arrange your arguments logically and succinctly.
Please come to see me at any time if I can provide advice or
assistance. You may prepare an outline or rough draft to "pass by me"
if it would help in your preparation process, but of course is optional.
Paper #1 topics
presentation date
EVERYONE signs up for one
1. Paris and the Judgment
Charles Nicholas
2. Helen and her abduction or elopement
Heather Jacqueline
3. Achilles and disguise on Skyros
Andrew Sharon
4. Agamemnon – Wrath of Achilles
Darold Holly
5. Diomedes and xenia
2/18 (2/23?)
Pachia Jaren
6. Andromache as Trojan woman
Olivia Alexis
7. Odysseus and the Embassy to Achilles
Stewart Richard
8. Hektor and battle
Stephanie Seth
9. Thetis and the arming of Achilles
10. Patroklos and the funeral
11. Priam and the Ransom of Hektor
Flynn Janice
12. Ajax and the suicide
Sierra Colin
13. Cassandra and the Horse
Shelbi April
14. Aeneas and the Fall of Troy
Serena Antara
*if you have signed up for a
topic w/o presentation date then please
choose and sign up for one (1) of the following:
Paper #2 topics
presentation date
Questions: Homer & Hisarlik
Metals and the E
Charles Flynn
Evidence of
Andrew Janice
Chariots in Iliad and
Seth April
Paper #3 topics
Review of Marion Bradley’s The
Olivia Sharon
The Trojan War in Hollywood
Shelbi Stephanie