View here the Secrets
of the Parthenon (NOVA)
What does someone need to be an archaeologist? A pith helmet? A leather
jacket? A whip? Hollywood would like us to believe that
treasure-hunting heroes are searching for treasure and saving the world
in one of the most adventurous and romantic careers possible –
The reality is something quite different but even more interesting.
Archaeology is the study of the human past, a window into the cultures
and times from which the world of today developed. With insight into
the lives of the ancients we learn a tremendous amount about ourselves
and our future potential. Today archaeology is about history, art,
science, cultural heritage and international law.
To be an archaeologist you need to be inquisitive, imaginative and
incredibly enthusiastic – especially about holding a simple object that
someone dropped hundreds or thousands of years ago and using your mind
like a time-machine to meet that individual in the context of his life.
This seminar will be an opportunity to analyze the romantic legends,
figures and stereotypes of archaeology and to discover the exciting
real elements and adventures of today’s archaeologist.
Grading and
attendance policy:
The coursework will consist primarily of class discussion based on
readings. Information necessary for the completion of the writing
assignments will be presented in class and especially through class
discussion, so attendance and participation are vital.
Grades of P/NP will be based on attendance and participation in class
once a week together with several short written assignments on
questions and/or topics of discussion.
Required Text:
Renfrew and Bahn, Archaeology
Essentials, 2nd edition (2011) = T
Articles posted on Bcourses website = BC