CL 172/HA 190B Art and Archaeology of the Aegean Bronze Age

This schedule is subject to change and addition. Check this class website regularly for the most recent version and for helpful links and extra materials. Reading assignments are to be done BEFORE the day they are listed. WORD LISTS for each lecture will appear here as links prior to the class day for you to print and bring to class.

B=Betancourt, MYC=Schofield, The Mycenaeans, and BCs=Reading on B-Courses






Jan. 22

Introduction: Discovery of the Aegean Bronze Age


Jan. 24

Word List

History of the Discipline; Chronology, Environment; Basics of archaeological theory and practice

B: 1-7
BCs: Tartaron 2008 (83-95 and 121-135)

Jan. 29

Word List

The Stone Age Beginnings – Franchthi Cave and Neolithic Village life - Mainland, Crete, and the Cyclades

B: 9-10, 29-30, 55-56
BCs: Strasser et al. 2010

Jan. 31

Word List

Early Bronze Age Mainland and Troy

B: 56-66
BCs: Shaw 2007 and Bobokhyan 2009

Feb. 5/7

Word List

Early Bronze Age Cyclades and Crete

B: 10-26, 30-53
BCs: Hoffman 2002

Feb. 12

Word List

Middle Bronze Age Crete – the Proto-Palatial and Neo-Palatial periods

B: 67-69, 83-85, 88-91
BCs: Colburn 2008 and Schoep 2010=Ch.8 in OHBAA

Feb. 14

Palatial and Non-Palatial architecture

B: 69-82
BCs: Tartaron 2008, 93-100; Davis 1995 (in Role of the Ruler in the Prehistoric Aegean. Aegaeum 11, 11-20.) and Everly 1999 (in Fresco: a Passport into the past).

Feb. 19

Minoan Art

B: 85-87, 92-108, 126-128
BCs: Tartaron 2008, 110-115; 1986 (JHS 106, 99-110) and Lupack (Minoan Religion) 2010 in OHBAA

Feb. 21

Minoan Society and Religion

BCs: Davis, Niemeier, and Hallager 1987 (in The Function of the Minoan Palaces).

Feb. 26/28

Word List

Akrotiri, Thera: the Bronze Age Pompeii 

B: 109-131
BCs: Morris 1989 (in AJA 93, 511-535) and Rehak 2002 (in Among Women: from the Homosocial to the Homoerotic in the Ancient World).

Mar. 5

Minoans and the Eastern Mediterranean

BCs: Knapp 1998 (in The Aegean and the Orient in the 2nd Millenium, Aegaeum 18, 193-207)

Mar. 7

Midterm Exam

Writing Assignment #1 due

Mar. 12 No Class  

Mar. 14

Word List

Middle Bronze Age Mainland; the Shaft Grave Warriors of Mycenae

B: 133-153
BCs: Tartaron 2008, 100-104 and Voutsaki 2010 in OHBAA

Mar. 19

Shaft Graves continued; Minoan vs Mainland style

B: 155-156
BCs: Davis 1974 (The Art Bulletin, 56.4, 472-487) and Hurwit (AJA 83, 413-426); tba

Mar. 21

Word List

Mycenaean Architecture: Tholoi and Chamber Tombs
Griffin Warrior

B: 170-172
BCs: Voutsaki 1998 (in Cemetery and Society in the ABA, 41-58) and Laxton & Cavanagh 1981 (BSA 106, 109-140); GriffinWarriorSmithsonian

Mar. 25/27



Apr. 2

Mycenaean Public Works: Walls, Roads and Bridges


Apr. 4

Mycenaean Architecture: Palaces and Houses

B: 161-170, 180-184
BCs: Dabney & Wright 1990 (in Celebrations of Death and Divinity, 45-53), Maran 2006 (in Constructing Power, 75-88), and Fitzsimons 2007 (in Power and Architecture, 93-115)

Apr. 9

Word List

Mycenaean Art

B: 156-161, 172-180
BCs: Chapin 2010 (in OHBAA); Tournavitou 1992 (in BSA 87, 181-210); Tournavitou 1997, 29-39

Apr. 11

Linear B and the political/economic administration

BCs: Tartaron 2008, 104-110; Shelmerdine 1997 (TEXNE, Aegaeum 16, 388-395)
Writing Assignment #2 due

Apr. 16

Word List

Mycenaean Religion and Society

BCs: Tartaron 2008, 115-121; Lupack (Mycenaean Religion) 2010 in OHBAA

Apr. 18

Word List

Trade and the International World of the Late Bronze Age

BCs: Bachhuber 2006 (AJA 110, 345-363); Cline 1987 (Orientalia 56, 1-36)

Apr. 23

Late Bronze Age Crete and the Cyclades

B: 185-200
BCs: Preston 2008 (in CCABA)

Apr. 25

The Mycenaean Collapse

BCs: Maran 2006a (Ancient Greece ..., 123-150); Deger-Jalkotzy 2008 (in CCABA)

Apr. 30

Troy and the Trojan War

BCs: Bryce 2010 (in OHBAA)

May 2

The Dark Ages? 
Conclusions and lingering problems

BCs: Antonaccio 1994 (AJA 98, 389-410)


May 13

Final Exam


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